Communication and Expectations of a Parent

  • Encourage participation. Allow the student to select the sport based on his/ her perceived ability and interest. Provide a pressure free environment regarding scholarship expectations.
  • Be supportive of your athlete. See that his/her needs are met. See that he/ she has the right equipment. Attend as many of your child’s contests as possible.
  • Stress the importance of the complete athlete……..both the mental and the physical preparation.
  • Do not emphasize quitting as the best way to solve a problem……but rather perseverance.
  • Emphasize that academics must always come first.
  • Assist the student to structure time wisely so that athletics do not interfere with academics.
  • Use athletics as a way to teach our children how to interact with other people during emotional situations. Help your child understand that athletic ability varies with body maturity and that effort is just as important, if not more important, as natural ability.
  • Be supportive of the coaching staff. Go to all meetings requested by the coaches. Being on a successful team is important to your athlete. Support the coaches’ preparation plan. Talk to your athlete frequently about how things are going with his/her sport. Make arrangements to talk to the coaches privately and early about perceived problems.
  • During the season, take into consideration practice and games when planning family events.
  • Understand the needs of a particular sport. Some take more equipment, while some take more time.
  • Model positive behavior, set an example for all student-athletes by practicing good sportsmanship.
